
Fukuoka Map and IPSA venue

Dear Participants of the panel, Civil Society in Northeast Asia, IPSA World Congress (9th of July),

Here is the map of Fukuoka showing the location of venue for the conference and accomodation where some of our participants are going to stay.

CSPA students, please join the mail group of CSPA!!

Dear all,

Please join the mail group of CSPA for the communication. You can join the group by clicking on the link on the lefthand side of this blog and leaving message.


Article of W. W. Rostow

It could have been better to put this article as a reference for the 3rd Seminar.

W. W. Rostow (1959) The Stages of Economic Growth, the Economic History Review, New Series, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 1-16 (Available on the Kyushu University On-line Journal)


Copies of Gerschenkron and Rostow

Copies of Gerschenkron and Rostow are available at the CSPA office.
There is one set of copies at the CSPA office. Please get and copy them for the 3rd week seminar.
And if you have any inquiry, please let me know.

Look forward to seeing you next week.


Syllabus for the Politics of Social Development

Syllabus for `the Politics of Social Development`
CSPA 2006 Spring Term
By Professors Inaba Miyuki, Junko Otani, Ilcheong Yi.
Course Information: The term `DEVELOPMENT` can be understood and interpreted in several distinctive ways. One is as a project of managed change in under-developed and developing countries that emerged from decolonisation and the Cold War. The process of this development is dominated by various aid agencies, international financial agencies and national states. Another involves economic, political, social, and cultural transformations spanning the colonial and post-colonial periods. A third is related to the fact that global capitalist development is now facing physical limits and consequently the conditions affecting the quality of life or living standards of the people within this globalisation process are being changed in ways which are especially dangerous to people at the economic and geographical margins. This seminar class `Politics of Social Development` aims at understanding all these approaches, their policy implications and the actual practices based on these approach. We are going to deal with a variety of issues such as socio-historical meanings of the development, current discourses on development, the role of democracy in development, cultural aspects of the development, and social policy issues related to the development within the context of the politics of development. Those students who are responsible for and affected by the consequences of development are encouraged to attend and engage in this seminar.
  1. The main text of this seminar class is Jeffrey Haynes ed. (2005) Development Studies, Palgrave Macmillan. Since this book will be used throughout the course, it is strongly recommended to have it. (It is available at the major book shops in Tenjin. If you have any difficulty in getting it, please let us know. )

  2. According to the theme we are dealing with, some complementary reading list or materials will be provided.

  3. Participants are strongly recommended to read all the materials before the class and comment on them during the class. Since the developmental projects involve continual searches for alternatives. Participants are expected to present their own critical views on the issues in question.

  4. The assessment will be conducted in two forms: oral presentation and a term report on a selected topic. Class participation will also be considered. The participant who missed more than three classes is not entitled for credit. Should you have any problem, the participant is expected to consult with Prof Yi.
Course Schedule (The schedule is tentative and subject to change depending upon the progress of the class. Articles with ** marks are not necessarily read but very useful to understanding the issues concerned. )
1st Week (April 11, 2006)
Introduction of the Course
2nd Week (April 18, 2006)
Discourses on Development I.
Reading list
Bjoun Hettne (2005) Chapter 2. Discourses on Development, Haynes ed. Development Studies, Palgrave Macmillan. (Printed Materials)
A. Sen (1999) Introduction, Chapter 1 and 2, Development as Freedom, Oxford University Press (Available at the Library)
R. Bromley (2003) Social Planning: Past, Present, and Future, Journal of International Development, Vol. 15, pp. 819-830 (Available on the Kyushu University On-line Journal)
3rd Week (April 25, 2006)
Discourses on Development II. (Development as Economic Growth)
Reading list
W.W. Rostow (1971) Chapter 3. The politics of the preconditions for take-off, Politics and the Stages of Growth, Cambridge university Press (Available at the Library)
W.W. Rostow (1971) Chapter 4. The politics of the take-off and the drive to technological maturity, Politics and the Stages of Growth, Cambridge university Press (Available at the Library)
A. Gerschenkron (1979) Chapter 2. Reflections on the Concept of `Prerequisites` of Modern Industrialization (pp.31-51) and Chapter 3. Social Attitudes, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Development (pp.52-71), Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective, The Belknap Press of Harvard University (Available at the Library)
4th Week (May 9, 2006)
Discourses on Development III. (Development as the Increase of Social Quality)
Reading list
J. Midgley (2001) South Africa: the Challenge of Social Development, International Journal of Social Welfare, Vol.10, pp. 267-275 (Available on the Kyushu University On-line Journal)
M. Bak, Can Developmental Social Welfare Change An Unfair World? International Social Work, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp.81-94 (Available on the Kyushu University On-line Journal)
Kwon-Leung Tang (1998) East Asian Newly Industrializing Countries: Economic Growth and Quality of Life, Social Indicators Research, Vol. 43, pp. 69-96 (Available on the Kyushu University On-line Journal)
** J. Midgely (1995) Social Development: the Developmental Perspective of Social Welfare, Sage Publication (Available in Kyushu University)
** J. Midgley (2003) Social Development: The Intellectual Heritage, Journal of International Development, Vol. 18 pp.831-844 (Available on the Kyushu University On-line Journal)
5th Week (May 16, 2006)
Reading list
A. Sen (1999) Chapter 4 and 5, Development as Freedom, Oxford University Press (Available at the Library)
J.Sachs (2005) Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, The End of Poverty, Penguin Books (Printed Materials)
D.Morales-Gomez (2001) Moving Forward Reducing Poverty Through Social Development, Background Paper for Third CIDA Roundtable on Poverty Reduction (Available on the Kyushu University On-line Journal)
6th Week (May 23, 2006)
Measuring Poverty
Reading list
Doyal and Gough (1991) Chapter 8. Measuring Need-satisfaction, A Theory of Human Need, Macmillan (Available at the Library)
Colin A. Linsley and Christine L. Linsley (1993) Booth, Rowntree and Llewelen Smith: A Reassessment of Interwar Poverty, The Economic History Review, New Series, Vol. 46, No.1, pp.88-104 (Available on the Kyushu University On-line Journal)
Alan Gillie (1996) The Origin of the Poverty Line, The Economic History Review, New Series, Vol. 49, No. 4 pp.715-730 (Available on the Kyushu University On-line Journal)
Sagar and Najam (1998) Survey The Human Development Index: A Critical Review, Ecological Economics Vol. 25 pp. 249-264 (Available on the Kyushu University On-line Journal)
**Allen C. Kelley (1991) The Human Development Index: “Handle with Care”, Population and Development Review, Vol. 17, No.2 pp.315-324 (Available on the Kyushu University On-line Journal)
** A.B. Atkinson (1987) On the Measurement of Poverty, Econometrica, Vol. 55, No.4, pp.749-764
7th Week (May 30, 2006)
Democracy and Development
Reading list
Peter Calvert (2005) Chapter 3. Changing Notions of Development: Bringing the State Back In, Haynes ed. Development Studies, Palgrave Macmillan.
Mehran Kamrava (2005) Chapter 4. Democracy and Democratisation, Haynes ed. Development Studies, Palgrave Macmillan.
**Juan J. Linz and Afred Stpan (1996) Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation, Johns Hopkins (Available at the Library)
8th Week (June 6, 2006)
Ethnicity, Gender and Development I
Reading list
Shirin M. Rai (2005) Chapter 11.Gender and Development, Haynes ed. Development Studies, Palgrave Macmillan.
Fairchild and Quinn (2000) Socio-Empowerment Issues for Women with Disabilities, Presentation paper in Joint Conference of the International Federation of Social Workers and the International Association of Schools of Social Work, Montreal, Canada (Available on the Kyushu University On-line Journal)
Shahra Razavi (1997) Fitting Gender into Development Institutions, World Development, Vol.25, No. 7 pp. 1111-1125 (Available on the Kyushu University On-line Journal)
** Andrea Cornwall (1997) Men, Masculinity and ‘Gender in Development”, Gender and Development, Vol.5, No.2, pp.8-13 (Available on the Kyushu University On-line Journal)
9th Week (June 13, 2006)
Ethnicity, Gender and Development II
Reading list
Howard Handelman (2005) Chapter 8. Ethnicity and Ethnic Conflict, Haynes ed. Development Studies, Palgrave Macmillan.
Peggy A. Lovell (1994) Race, Gender and Development in Brazil, Latin American Research Review, Vol. 29, Iss.3 (Available on the Kyushu University On-line Journal)
Milton J. Esman (1997) Public Administration, Ethnic Conflict, and Economic Development, Public Administration Review, Vol.57, No.6, pp.527(Available on the Kyushu University On-line Journal)
10th Week (June 20, 2006)
Health, Environment, Gender under Globalization within a Developmental Context
Reading list
Greg Guest (Ed.) (2005) Globalization, Health, and the Environment: An integrated perspective, Altamira Press.
Susan Buckingham-Hatfield (2000) Gender and Environment, Routledge.
Tork Kjellstrom, Theo De Kok, Tee L. Guidotti, and Annalaee Yassi (Eds.) (2001) Basic Environmental Health, Oxford University Press.
Anthony J McMichael, Rosalie E Woodruff, Simon Hales (2006) Climate change and human health: present and future risks, Lancet, 367: 859-869. (March 11) (Available on the Kyushu University On-line Journal)
Trevor Duke, Elena Keshishiyan, Aigul Kuttumuratova et al. (2006) Quality of hospital care for children in Kazakhstan, Republic of Moldova, and Russia: systematic observational assessment, Lancet, 367: 919-925 (March 18) (Available on the Kyushu University On-line Journal)
Gilmore AB, Collin J, and McKee M. (2006) British American Tobacco’s erosion of health legislation in Uzbekistan, British Medical Journal, 332(7537):355-8 (Feb 11) (Available on the Kyushu University On-line Journal)
Crosa G, Stefani F, Bianchi C, Fumagalli A. (2006) Water security in Uzbekistan: implication of return waters on the Amu Darya water quality, 13(1):37-42 (Jan).
Sievers EW (2002) Water, Conflict, and Regional Security in Central Asia, New York University Environmental Law Journal, 356-402 (Available on the Kyushu University On-line Journal)
Reamy J, Lovkyte L, Padaiga Z (2005) Physician workforce planning and the transition to primary health care in former socialist countries. Cah Sociol Demogr Med. 2005 Apr-Sep;45(2-3):307-25
Albert I. Wertheimer, Thomas M. Santella and Veronica M. Arroyave (2005) Uzbekistan Drug Airlift: a Quantitative Analysis of Public/private Collaboration, Pharmacy World & Science, Springer Netherlands, 28(4): 344 – 350 (August) (Available on the Kyushu University On-line Journal)
Carr JK, Nadai Y, Eyzaguirre L, et al. (2005) Outbreak of a West African recombinant of HIV-1 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 15;39(5):570-5 (Aug) (Available on the Kyushu University MEDICAL LIBRARY On-line Journal)
Hindle D, Khulan B (2006) New payment model for rural health services in Mongolia (Project Report), International Electronic Journal of Rural and Remote Health Research, Education, Practice and Policy, Jan-Mar;6(1):434. (Feb 7)
11th Week (June 27, 2006)
International Social WelfareSocial work, Empowerment, and Participatory Development (or Community Development)
Reading list (tentative):
Arnstein, S. R. (1969). A Ladder of Citizen Participation, JAIP, 35(4), 216-224. Also available in different format.
Cox, O. E. (2001). Community Practice Issues in the 21st Century: Questions and Challenges for Empowerment-Oriented Practitioners, Journal of community Practice, 9 (1), 37-55.
Cox, D., & Pawar, M. (2006). International Social Work: Issues, Strategies, and Programs. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Hall, A., & Midgley, J. (2004). Social Policy for Development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Hardina. D. (2003). Linking Citizen Participation to Empowerment Practice: A Historical Overview, Journal of Community Practice, 11(4), 11-38).
Narayan, D. (Ed.). (2005). Measuring Empowerment: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives. Washington, DC, USA: The World Bank.
Schereiner, M. (2001).Microenterprise n the First and Third Worlds. Center for Social Development, Washington University in St. Louis, USA. Available from internet (Google Scholar)
12th Week (July 4, 2006)
Presentation by participants
13th Week (July 11, 2006)
Presentation by participants
14th Week (July 18, 2006)
Presentation by participants & Wrap-Up session


ゼミ合宿、山の家、九重 30ー31、3月、2006

Class Trip to the House of Mountain, Kokonoe, Kyushu

Class Trip to House of Mountain, Kokonoe, Kyushu、30ー31st March,2006
ゼミ合宿、山の家、九重、九州 30ー31、3月、2006

Conference for Social Quality at Chiba University, 27th and 28th March 2006

Conference for Social Quality at Chiba University, 27th and 28th March 2006