日時 2006年5月27日(土) 13::00-17:00
場所 九州大学箱崎キャンパス 経済学部大会議室
テーマ 「日本と韓国の援助とODAの現状と将来展望」
[The ODA and Aid Frameworks of Japan and Korea in the Era of
I. 原 昌平 国際開発銀行開発4部「中央アジア・コーカサス向け円借款担当課長」
(Mr. Shohei Hara, Director(Central Asia and Caucasus), Development Assistance
Department V, Japan Bank for International Cooperation)
II. Mr. Song-Yun Park、韓国輸出入銀行、広報室、副室長
(Mr. Song-Yun Park, Deputy Director, Public Relations Office, the Export-Import
Bank of Korea)
III. Dr. Chang-Hee Lee 国連 国際労働機関、アジア/東アジア 支局、労使関係専門家
(Dr. Chang-Hee Lee, Industrial Relations Specialist, International Labour Organization(ILO), Sub-Regional Office for East Asia)
13:00 開会挨拶
山下邦明 教授 (九州大学言語文化研究院長)
13:10 モデレーター(Yi, Ilcheong イ イル チョン) 助教授
13:15 第一発表 原 昌平 (Hara, Shohei)
14:00 休憩
14:15 第二発表 Mr. Park, Song-Yun
ODA Framework of Korea (tentative)
15:00 休憩
15:15 第三発表 Dr. Lee, Chang-Hee
Development aid, local governance and labor issues in Globalized World
16:00 休憩
16:15 質疑応答
17:00 閉会
18:00 懇談会
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could you, please, let us know the location of the venue with a map for this workshop? I am not sure we all can read Japanese kanji.
Anaraa, CSPA course.
Thanks Anaraa.
The venue for the workshop is a seminar room of the Faculty of Economics which is just behind the law faculty building.
We will put the notice on the venue on the 27th of May in front of the Economics Faculty Building. You may find it near the elevator of that building. I think it is on the fifth floor. Anyway you will know it on the day. Please encourage other students not only in our class but in others to attend the workshop. I think it would be a wonderful opportunity to know more about the developmental projects of two Asian countries and internatioanl organisation.
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